Good morning. Today I was doing my meditation prayers (May I be safe, May I be healthy, May I be Happy, May I be at ease, May I be filled with Lovingkindness, May I be at peace, May I hold myself in compassion…. They go on. That last one got me though.
What would it be like to hold myself in compassion? How about holding a lost loved one in compassion? How about holding both of us in compassion? That’s what I want to do, hold them in compassion, and hold myself in compassion. Because compassion is about love, and there’s never been any question that we loved those we’ve lost. And still love them.
Along with love, it’s about forgiveness – asking for forgiveness for not being able to hold them in compassion while they lived. Because for whatever reason, that was a hard thing to do. Maybe it wasn’t even possible. I ask for forgiveness for my part in that. And I give forgiveness for their part in making it hard. Giving forgiveness with love. Asking for forgiveness with love.
Because now, that’s all we have with our lost loved one… love, forgiveness, compassion.