Greetings fellow travelers of the Spirit. Recently I ran across a quote from James Finley:
“Our deepest freedom rests not in our freedom to do what we want to do but rather in our freedom to become who God wills us to be“
James Finley
I know Jim and admire him greatly. This quote gave me pause, though. I believe there’s a caveat to this. And that is: God hopes for us to become fully who we were created to be, but it isn’t a foregone conclusion that we do. It’s a choice.
Always within the context of God’s inspiration, goodness, and grace. But still a choice. The essence of Free Will lies in our response to God’s inspirations. And there are many. I would even say God inspires us daily. And it is our responses to those inspirations that make up who we become.
Just my thought for the day. With love and blessings….Peter
BTW, Finley’s quote appeared in the almost daily musings of a very good friend, Jim Baker.
Jim does amazing art. Check him out: