Yeshua says,
“So then, I must also tell you this:
If the master of a household realizes that a thief is coming,
He will keep watch before he gets there to prevent him from tunneling into his domain and stealing his possessions.
So from the beginning of the cosmos, therefore, you must also keep watch
binding great power to yourselves, so that thieves cannot find a way to get to you.
Any outside help you look for they will seize first.
May there be someone among you
who truly understands this.”
There are a number of words that strike me here. The word “must”, appearing twice in this Logion has great meaning I think. Jesus “must” tell us this. That makes what follows an absolute necessity for our very lives, so listen up!
And the word “tunnel”; the thieves that will take our most precious possessions don’t just break into our homes and take things. They “tunnel”, which is a deceptive way to enter, and results in a permanent way in, and out. And what do they tunnel into? Our “domain”. That’s pretty big. That’s our center. And what do they take? Our “possessions”, the very Spirit within us.
Further, we must be vigilant “from the beginning of the cosmos”, which means we pre-existed our physical appearance. We exist from the beginning of the cosmos, the beginning of time as we know it. The thieves are always trying to get in, they never stop, from the beginning of time to the end. And it is the Spirit that dwells within us they want to take from us. Everything is at stake here. Everything that makes us who we are.
Then, importantly, Jesus says “any outside help you look for they will seize first.” Therefore we cannot look outside ourselves for help, we must look within, where the Spirit dwells. So we must first recognize that Spirit, and we must be one with it.
As Jesus says: “May there be someone among you who truly understands this.”
So what must we do? Well, for me it means prayer. Meditation. That’s what vigilance is. That’s what it’s about. What is it for you?
Peter J Nagle, M.A.R.
SoulWork Spiritual Direction
[email protected]