Do you meditate? You know, like 20 or 30 minutes of complete silence every day. Ok, that’s tough to do but that’s my goal, and it usually happens. Why? Because meditating is calming. It’s a spiritual experience. It’s prayer. And prayer isn’t meant to change God, it’s meant to change you. God is loving, and understands our plight. It is we who need to sort things out, with God’s help. And prayer does that.
I alternate between prayer and silence in my meditation. The prayer is from Sacred Space ( which includes the day’s scripture reading; and Celtic Meditations By John Philip Newell. Both give me much to ponder. I also do Buddhist chants like “May I be safe. May I be healthy. May I be happy. May I be at ease. May I be filled with lovingkindness” and so on. The nice thing about the chants is that you can apply them to anyone in your life. Like “May my spouse be safe, May my children be healthy, May my grandchildren”… and so on.
The silent parts of my meditation are for inspiration. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been inspired with resolutions to dilemmas I’m experiencing in this silent time. It’s magical.
So meditation is very important for me. And it could be for you too. Maybe you’re already doing it. Wonderful if you are. But if you’re not, I humbly suggest you try it. It can do wonders if you stick with it. And if you need help with it, contact me and I’d be happy to design one with you, that works for you.
Blessings on this beautiful day here in Northern New Mexico.